Tech Help and Computer Literacy

The Freeport Public Library offers resources and assistance with technology-related topics. Whether you’re setting up your first email account or are looking to brush up on the finer points of QuickBooks, take a look at the list of resources below to get started.
Still have questions about a specific topic or device? Call 815-233-3000 for assistance.
Digital Literacy Resources
GCF–Internet and Apps — Do you need help understanding how to use email and the Internet? Are you struggling to figure out which social media platform is most ideal for you? Are you intimidated by programs like QuickBooks, Google apps, Photoshop, and Microsoft products? Let us help!
GCF–Microsoft Windows Basics — In this free Windows Basics tutorial, you’ll learn all about navigating, finding and sending files, using shortcuts, and more.
Microsoft Office Training Center — Tutorials and tips for Microsoft Office Apps like Word, Publisher, Powerpoint and Excel.
The Ultimate Guide to Windows 10 Troubleshooting — This is the most extensive and comprehensive guide to troubleshooting and solving common problems in Windows 10. From simple issues like customizing your Start menu to complex solutions for fixing the Blue Screen of Death – we have you covered! The guides are thorough, proven, easy-to-follow and supported with helpful screenshots that will guide you through every step of the process.